When the investigators go to the cook's house, her fierce husband chases them away. [1] "Biancaneve e il mago Basilisco" (Snow White and Basilisk the Wizard) was published in 29 parts, from issue #72 to 100 (May 11 - Nov 23, 1939). In each issue, the front page contained either the latest episode of a Donald Duck story, or (for six months in 1938-39) a set of Taliaferro's Donald Duck daily comic strips. [23], Mr. Linotype sends Donald and Peter on another assignment, this time to report on a tribe of Indians who live in a hidden valley. The war over, Donald and the Cat both rush back to their newspapers with a photograph of the general. Mirando nevar se pinchó un dedo con su aguja y tres gotas de sangre cayeron en la nieve. [1], The three artists that worked on Paperino's Disney-related comics never drew Disney characters again after the paper closed. He's picked up a group of gangly cat-faced Pindos, who carry him to their leader, Chief Bluff. [1] It was reprinted as a full 29-page story in the biweekly Nel regno di Topolino #92 (Nov 25, 1939). Leaving the police station at the end of the previous story, Donald is approached by Lucius Linotype (Signor Linotipi), editor of the newspaper Another World (L'altro mondo). [38], As noted above, six of the eight Paperino e altre avventure stories were reprinted shortly after their serialization, as complete stories in the biweekly Nel Regno di Topolino or the monthly Albi d'oro. Il primo disse: -Chi è seduto sulla mia seggiola?- Il secondo: -Chi ha mangiato dal mio piattino?-. "Donald Duck and the Secret of Mars" was reprinted in Gladstone Publishing's Donald Duck #286 (Sept 1994), translated by Fabio Gadducci, with dialogue by Bruce Hamilton & David Gerstein. Così si rimise nuovamente a pensare a come potesse sbarazzarsene e pensò di utilizzare un pettine avvelenato. At the start of this story, Donald bumps into an old friend, Peter Pig (called Meo Porcello), from Donald's first cartoon, the 1934 Silly Symphony short The Wise Little Hen. Federico Pedrocchi wrote eight Disney comics stories for Paperino e altre avventure between 1937 and 1940, and two stories for Albi d'oro in 1938 and 1939. Al mattino, Biancaneve si svegliò e, vedendo i sette nani, s'impaurì. After a disastrous trial, Donald and Peter are sentenced to be executed, but they manage to get a telegram to Mr. Linotype, who arrives in an airplane just in time to explain things to the authorities. Two sinister strangers see him fleeing from the law, and drive him away. Poi gridò: -Biancaneve deve morire, dovesse costarmi la vita.- Andò in una stanza segreta dove nessuno poteva entrare e preparò una mela velenosissima. When a policeman wakes him, he inadvertently smacks the cop, and then runs away. Pinochi's artwork is heavily traced from Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse comic strip story "The Seven Ghosts", with Count Baffirossi as a double for Gottfredson's Colonel Bassett. Ma la regina cattiva, appena a casa, andò davanti allo specchio e domandò:-Specchio fatato, in questo castello, hai forse visto aspetto più bello?-E lo specchio rispose:-Il tuo aspetto qui di tutte è il più bello. The fourth story was Paperin furioso, Luciano Bottaro's parody of Orlando Furioso in Topolino #544 (May 1966), which also included the Mago Basilico from Pedrocchi's first Snow White story. Poi si travestì e prese nuovamente le sembianze di una povera donna, del tutto diversa dalla precedente, però. : Trama :. The story was written and drawn by Federico Pedrocchi.