The remains of Saint Dominic, founder of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans), are buried inside the exquisite shrine Arca di San Domenico, made by Nicola Pisano and his workshop, Arnolfo di Cambio and with later additions by Niccolò dell'Arca and the young Michelangelo. Emblema per eccellenza della storia dell’architettura in Sicilia, che dal tardo-Gotico attraversa il Manierismo per poi giungere fino al Barocco, la chiesa di San Domenico fu eretta nel 1470, per volontà dei Tagliavia, signori di Castelvetrano. San Domenico Maggiore is a Gothic, Roman Catholic church and monastery, founded by the friars of the Dominican Order, and located in the square of the same name in the historic center of Naples. The Basilica of San Domenico is one of the major churches in Bologna, Italy.