Amen. Oh Father, Saint Charbel, the affectionate, I resort to you. Il mio cuore si rallegra quando ti parlo. My confidence in your fills my heart. You, the embodiment of graces, glory and gratefulness be to you. Ho piena fiducia che mi otterrai da Gesù la grazia che chiedo per tua intercessione. En este séptimo día de novena, te pido por las enfermedades que asechan mi país, te pido por las personas más humildes que no tienen como defenderse ante una terrible enfermedad, protege a los niños y a los ancianos de enfermedades incurables. Save me from malice which I cannot bear. Glory and gratefulness be to you till the end. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. My confidence in you fills my heart. Novena a San Charbel. Oh, Saint Charbel, joy of heaven and earth, intercede for me. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CATHOLIC NOVENA PRAYERS AND DEVOTIONS. Amen. Mi pento dei miei peccati e ti prometto di combattere le tentazioni. Ruega por mí San Charbel, protege con tu divina gracia mi vida, protege la vida de mis padres, abuelos, hermanos, tíos, hijos y todas las personas que desean el bien para mi vida, déjame llevar el testimonio de tus milagros. Show me your affection once more. Oh, Saint Charbel, whenever I see you kneeling down on the cane mat, fasting, abstaining and absorbed in calling God, my hope and my faith in you augment. Oh, God, my numerous sins hinder your grace to reach me. Oh, Saint Charbel, all powerful intercessor, I ask you to fulfill the grace which I am in need of (mention request here). En San Charbel, quien tiene el don de sanar enfermos y a los milagros que concede se le ha dado nombre de Patrono de los que sufren en cuerpo y alma. Oh Father, Saint Charbel, the affectionate, I resort to you. Oh, Saint Charbel, the example of patience and silence, intercede for me. Novena Completa en Honor de San Ramón Nonato Para Embarazadas, Novena Completa a Nuestro a San Judas Tadeo, Novena al Divino Niño Jesús Para Pedir Un Favor, Novena Completa de Devoción a San Juan Bosco, Novena Católica en Honor a la Virgen de San Juan de Los lagos. Mi pento dei miei peccati e propongo di non ricadervi più. Amen. Prayer To Saint James the Greater On Self-Centeredness →, Prayer: Jesus, My Saviour, Help Me (By St. Alphonsus Liguori), Prayer to St. Padre Pio for Healing of Cancer, Prayer for Fathers to Saint Joseph (by Venerable Pope John XXIII). Save my poor heart and give me peace. I'm Devin Rose, creator of this website and the Pray mobile app. Dearest Lord, you have inspired St Charbel, the saint monk, to lead the perfect life of a hermit. «La fe mueve montañas, pero sólo las que uno se atreve a mover». Poderoso intercesor, San Charbel, perdona todos los pecados que he cometido hasta ahora, limpia mi corazón y dame uno nuevo que este alimentado de las palabras de nuestro padre santo, ilumina mi mente para recitar diariamente oraciones que también toquen tu corazón. Amigo de Dios, San Charbel, que tu luz iluminó la vida de muchos cristianos, que brillaste en medio de la iglesia, ilumina mi camino y de las personas que necesitan de Dios, fortalece mi espíritu y alma, pido tu intercesión para (hacer petición personal). Dear Lord, we thank You for giving us St. Charbel as an example of holiness. I confide in you. Intro Prayer. O Padre San Charbel, eccomi alla fine della novena. Oh, Jesus, the most peaceful, you who has raised your beloved Charbel to biblical perfection, I solemnly ask you to grant me the grace to spend the rest of my life according to your request. Oh, Lord Jesus, who sanctified Saint Charbel and helped him to carry his cross, give me the courage to bear life’s difficulties with patience and submission to your divine will through Saint Charbel’s intercession, to you is gratefulness forever. (Once) Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father. Join in praying the St. Charbel Novena. Oh, Saint Charbel, the amiable, who shines like a bright star in the church sky,brighten my way, and fortify my hope. Amen. Oh, Saint Charbel, garden of virtue, intercede for me. Amen. Amen. Oh affectionate Father; I beg of you to ask God for this grace (mention request here). Help us to imitate the piety he practiced throughout his life, beginning when he was a small child at home. Glory to you till the end. Amen. Oh, Saint Charbel, absorbed in God, intercede for me. Glory and gratefulness be to you till the end. (Once) Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father. Day Nine: Day 1 Prayer Pray the St Charbel Novena with the Pray app. Oh, God, who chose Saint Charbel to defend us before your divine power, grant me through his intercession this grace (name the grace) to glorify you with him till the end.