By … Persian uses Dark and Normal fast moves, and it uses Dark, Rock or Fairy charge moves. As of July 11, that means you … Pokémon Go Giovanni October 2020 counters – Shadow Mewtwo weakness and how to beat . Callum Smith Pokémon A Team Go Rocket Strange Eggs event for Pokémon Go … Here’s the lineup for Pokemon GO … Weak to Fighting, resist Ghost. Best Counters for Fighting Giovanni (Pokemon GO Fest 2020) You’ll need to defeat Giovanni as part of day two of GO Fest 2020’s Special Research quest. Lastly, Giovanni will send out one of several powerful Shadow Pokémon that he has captured and bent to his will. Melmetal needs to have Super Power Fightingto be effective. Persian; Dugtrio/Nidoking/Garchomp; Suicune; Persian counters. Pokemon Go Giovanni counters. Pokemon GO trainers who want to defeat Giovanni during October 2020 should use this recommended team of counters to make the battle easy. Pokemon Go also sees regular events - including weekly Spotlight Hour, monthly Field Research rewards and Pokémon Go Community Day. After a bit of a hiatus the usual seasonal update for Pokémon GO’s Team GO Rocket special research is out and players around the world have another chance to catch Shadow Mewtwo once more. This combination makes Melmetal one of the best counters to Persian, but Machamp and Rhyperior are not too far. Pokemon. Persian is a Normal-type beast that can use any of … Rewards for defeating Giovanni in Pokémon Go … Pokémon Team Go Rocket have taken over Pokemon Go Fest 2020, and you find a bunch of counters to beat Giovanni and his Mewtwo by clicking here.. Original story: Pokemon. Of course, to do this they’ll have to battle their way through Giovanni and his many minions. Pokémon Go Giovanni November 2020 counters – Shadow Metwo weakness and how to beat . Recommended counters for Giovanni’s Persian Lucario, Regirock, Aggron and Giratina (non-Ghost moves) also perform fairly well again…