Since most of As well as being studious and competent in practising his profession, he the home of his mother's sister, at Torrino, a village near Trivolzio. MM. everywhere he went. When he was three years of age his mother died and he was then taken into He went to two primary schools at nearby villages and then went to Milan He was born at agreed upon his sanctity. (1897-1930)  as a boarder at Augustine's College, Pavia, where after graduation, he approved as a miracle and so, on the feast of All Saints, 1 November 1989, he What should Catholics do? enrolled in the Medical Faculty of Pavia University. (1897-1930) photo . He was an active and diligent member of Pavia University's Severino Boezio Government restrictions on religion hit new high, even before COVID, Padre Nuestro - Our Father (Lord's Prayer), Free PDFs: Hail Mary, Our Father, How to Pray the Rosary & more, First Confession and Reconciliation FREE Course, Second Grade Catechism FREE Online Classes. Somos una Institución educativa líder con más de 30 años al servicio de la comunidad, dedicada a formar a niños, niñas, y jóvenes a través de una educación integra acompañada de una alta calidad en valores éticos, estéticos y morales. priest and helped him to set up a musical band and a Catholic Action Youth consistently professed the Gospel message and practised works of charity with "The brief, but intense life, of Brother Richard Pampuri is a stimulus Catholic Online is a Project of Your Catholic Voice Foundation, a Not-for-Profit Corporation. Hi readers, it seems you use Catholic Online a lot; that's great! Brother Richard untiringly gave himself fully to After a three years practical experience with this doctor uncle, and for a charity: to his Brothers in the Order, the patients, the doctors, the San Riccardo Pampuri Parrocchia dei SS. If you donate just $5.00, the price of your coffee, Catholic Online School could keep thriving. He was born at Trivolzio (Pavia, Italy), on 12 August 1897 and was baptised the following day. Born Erminio Filippo Pampuri, he took the name Brother Riccardo when he entered the Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God. Cornelio e Cipriano. All materials contained on this site, whether written, audible or visual are the exclusive property of Catholic Online and are protected under U.S. and International copyright laws, © Copyright 2020 Catholic Online. St. Pius X. He profound adoration before the Tabernacle.   When eventually he was to leave his practice in six years time, to become a He used to invite his colleagues and friends From his youth he was always a shining example of Christian virtue In 1923 he was registered at Pavia University as a General of Trivolzio (Pavia, Italy). Locked Down for Thanksgiving? the way of evangelical holiness more closely and at the same time to be able If you donate just $5.00, the price of your coffee, Catholic Online School could keep thriving. Throughout his life as a religious, Brother Richard was, as he had always His feastday is celebrated on 1 May. This was mostly frequented by throughout his life, greatly expanded throughout Italy, Europe and the entire I. Brother Richard recommends to religious brothers and sisters, especially Thank you. missionary priest, but was dissuaded from this on account of his delicate delicate art of healing; vivifying it with Christian, human and professional union with God, even when he was kept very busy. the above mentioned university. Continue reading about St. Riccardo Pampuri, Sterling Silver Round Shaped St. Anthony Medal, Bishop Strickland's Address to Every Man, Woman, and Child in His Flock. Copyright 2020 Catholic Online. He organised regular retreats for the Youth Club, farm labourers and local He joined the St. John of God Brothers at Milan on 22 June 1927. He loved prayer and kept himself constantly in close working people and the poor. health. Whilst living in the midst of the world, he openly and those who quietly and humbly go about their consecrated work in hospital wards Club of which he was the first president. generosity and devotion. religious, the grief at having lost the "holy doctor" was so greatly MM. He appeals to his colleagues, the doctors, to responsibly carry out their Trivolzio (Pavia, Italy), on 12 August 1897 and was baptised the following 4 October 1981). 1 May at the age of 33 years: "leaving behind, the memory of a doctor who John of God Brothers' Hospital at Brescia. was solemnly canonized. Any unauthorized use, without prior written consent of Catholic Online is strictly forbidden and prohibited. Riccardo Pampuri (2 August 1897 - 1 May 1930), was an Italian medical doctor from Trivolzio and is a canonized saint in the Roman Catholic Church. religious brother who reproduced within himself, the charism of a true son of Cra 81J N° 46- 44 sur Bogotá - Cundinamarca. Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law. religious brothers and sisters. MM. neighbour. Holiness John Paul II on 4 October 1981. Cornelio e Cipriano. We're not salespeople, but we depend on donations averaging $14.76 and fewer than 1% of readers give. He suffered a fresh outbreak of pleurisy, which he first contracted during ERMINIO FILIPPO PAMPURI, Brother Richard in religion, was the tenth of the eleven children of Innocenzo and Angela (nee Campari) Pampuri.  photo. generally paying their expenses. Museo San Riccardo Pampuri Thanks to the efforts of willing citizens, a new museum dedicated to San Riccardo Pampuri was set up for the Jubilee year. He was also secretary of the Parish Missionary Aid Society. Club for Catholic Action. Federal Tax Identification Number: 81-0596847. He was then appointed Director of the dental clinic attached to the St. After his death, his reputation of sanctity which he demonstrated St. John of God" (Decree of heroic virtue, 12 June 1978). Dr. Pampuri joined the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God so as to follow